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The WeatherPixie

2003-12-09 - 4:55 p.m.

Yes diarylanders, much havoc and soul tearing will be happening come Friday! OK, only a little bit of havoc and lots of hugging and rejoicing. Paul will be finished having his math breakdown come friday and will be coming into town for what i like to call "Broodfest 2003" formaly known as Christmas. I am very happy because when Broodfest 2003 is over I will be packing my kids up and getting out of dodge. I'm not sure what awaits me out in this cruel world but anything is better than getting abused all the time. Usually I become nervous when Paul comes to town because it usually sparks hubby's rage but somehow I feel at peace with his visit because soon we can have our friendship without worrying if I'll die over it! If Paul were a vampire this is the time I would chose to become one with him because I will finally be free of all the hate and anger I feel towards myself for staying here. I sweetly got hubby to pay for school for the spring, so now he will have to realize he payed for me to get ahead in life without him. It's amazing how much money colleges will give a single mother! I guess everybody will get sick of how happy I'll be and all the crazy adventures I'm having with Paul! He told me he wished he could take me to Europe with him this summer because then we really could sit in that cafe in France and talk about life and art and love. So that's all for now.

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